Newsletter - April 2024

Alleluia, Alleluia, he is risen indeed!

The season of Easter has begun. In this country, our Easter Celebrations usually coincide with an improvement in the weather which helps to lift our spirits but maybe not this year. There were some bright spots in March however…

We shared a wonderful Mothering Sunday, attended by our Brownies and with daffodil posies given to all the women in the congregation. Annie and Alex retold the story of Moses and his mother hiding him in the river, asking the children to help find story clues ‘hidden in plain sight’ in the church.

Our younger children at First Steps heard the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey to chants of “Hosanna”, before crafting their own donkeys over morning snacks.

On 17th March, we held our annual meeting to review the highs and lows of 2023 and look towards the future. Father Martin, our Area Dean was preaching that morning and stressed to the Churchwardens, the importance of keeping services and other groups and activities strong for the new vicar for when he or she takes over.  Soon we will be one step closer when the Diocese re-advertises the post from 19th April. We pray for a host of suitable candidates but would be happy with just the one perfect match for St Philip’s!

Thank you for your generous donations to our Lent Charities – Tent For Lent - there is still time to give at – and Redhill Foodbank.

On Palm Sunday, we held our Palm Crosses aloft for a blessing by Rev. Arthur Bowyer and our journey into Holy Week began…

Thank you for reading and Happy Easter, Everyone!


Newsletter - May 2024


Newsletter - March 2024