Newsletter - September 2024

In August we gathered in smaller numbers than usual on Sundays while many of us enjoyed a week or two ‘away from it all’. We even enjoyed some sunshine here in Reigate!

However, during the school holidays, the churchwardens and PCC have overseen some improvements to the church and church hall. The main hall and entrance lobby have been decorated and the carpets in the church have been cleaned and repaired.

Preparations have also been made for the arrival of our new vicar, Lindsay, who has moved into the parsonage with her mother, Jennifer. We hope they will both be very comfortable there and look forward to welcoming Lindsay formally at her Collation by the Bishop of Southwark on 8th September at 5pm. If you are intending to come to this service, please sign up on the list at the back of church. We are grateful to Area Dean, Father Martin, Vicar of St Mark’s, for helping us plan this service with Lindsay over the summer.

Over the coming weeks and months, we will all play a part in Lindsay’s introduction to St Philip’s. She will join in the various groups and activities: Sunday school, First Steps and Tuesday Coffee Group and hopes to re-introduce the 8.00am Service from October. She will also join our next PCC meeting on Tuesday 17th September.

First Steps group will meet on Friday 20th September from 10.00am. This session will mark the 20th anniversary of the group started by Rev. Eileen Stanghan in 2004. Paused only during the pandemic, these sessions have been running every month in term-time since then. First Steps is a relaxed and (very) informal service with a short story, songs and craft activities for little ones and a chat over a cuppa for parents and grandparents. Thanks go to all who have supported this group over the years – many of whom are families who still attend St Philip’s.

We are also very pleased to announce that Mary Kirkup will take over the job of Hall Manager from Kay Wheatley from 1st September. Our very best wishes to Mary in her new role.


Newsletter - October 2024


Newsletter - August 2024