Newsletter - May 2024

The search for our new vicar has taken a step forward: An advertisement has been placed in Church Times and on the Church of England’s online recruitment website, Pathways. The closing date for applications is 19th May. We hope to bring you news of a happy outcome in June.

Meanwhile we remain grateful for support of local clergy who will be leading us in worship and guiding us through the gospel as the church calendar moves through the 50 days of Easter including Ascension Sunday to Pentecost and Trinity Sunday at the end of this month. On the first Sunday in May, we will celebrate our own Saint, Philip, and learn more about his ministry as an apostle of Jesus.

First Steps, our pre-school group, enjoyed their first session of the summer term, acting out the parable of the lost sheep and crafting their own colourful woolly sheep. Sunday School used the same craft materials to create their own flock whilst learning from John’s gospel about Jesus’ description of himself as the ‘Good Shepherd’.

We are looking forward to our Quiz Night on Saturday 18th May at 7pm. Please do sign up for a fun night and to raise funds to maintain our church hall. Entry £5 per person includes hot drinks and biscuits in the interval. Bring your own drinks and snacks. Win or lose, you may still take home a souvenir wooden spoon!

As we start to enjoy signs of Spring and new growth in our gardens and in the countryside around us, our thoughts turn to what we can do individually and collectively at St Philip’s to be good guardians of our natural environment.

Keep an eye on our noticeboards and pew sheets for news of our progress towards gaining our Eco Church Silver Award. Our wildflower patch next to church will soon be in bloom and will make for lovely displays in church. Why not encourage your own ‘rewilding’ by joining in with “No Mow May”. Find out more at:

Thank you for reading!

Michelle & Annie, Churchwardens


Newsletter - June 2024


Newsletter - April 2024