Newsletter - December 2024
On Sunday 3rd November we had our first 8am BCP (Book of Common Prayer) Holy Communion since the end of the Vacancy. This early bird service was much appreciated by those who attended and will now continue on the first Sunday of each month.
The following week was Remembrance Sunday when our 10am Parish Eucharist was very well attended. It was great to see such a large turnout to remember and give thanks for all those who gave, and give, so much for the freedoms we so easily take for granted. The church was beautifully decorated by a special flower arrangement by Sarah Reader, and paper wreaths created by the Brownies and our Sunday school.
Lindsay and Mary Kirkup (our Hall Manager) met with Anna Coe from the charity Renewed Hope ( who organise a rolling Winter Night Shelter for those experiencing homelessness. The project gives 10 people a hot meal, bed and breakfast every night on winter from December through to early March and last year helped 30 people who would otherwise have been sleeping rough. The shelter is hosted by a variety of churches in the area, and we hope that St Philip’s can become a host venue next winter.
Advent is here and we’re now full steam ahead in planning our Christmas services, which you can find on our website and on the banner outside the church. We are very grateful to all those who have volunteered to distribute flyers to every home in the parish. Once again we will be holding two Christingle and Crib services on Christmas Eve, when we’ll be collecting to support the work of the Children’s Society (
We wish you and yours a happy and blessed Christmas.